Over 60 years in the business


The Pescapuerta Group has establishes itself as one of the most important holding companies in the frozen fish sector in Spain, with a significant global presence and a position of leadership wich has gone from strength to strength in the 60 years or more that it has been in business.

Pescapuerta is a multinational holding company continuously striving to progress in the frozen food sector, developing optimum relationships with our customers, partners, suppliers and distributors, seeking to maximise the profit for the producer, and offering hihg-quality products with the best service, with the intention of being a benchmark operator in the high-quality frozen food sector.

The Pescapuerta group is committed to Food Safety and Quality. For this reason, maximun economic development must ultimately go hand in hand with the parallel development of product quality and safety. In the carrying out of its activities, the company is obliged to provide safe, authentic products wich meet legal requirements as well as the necessities and expectations of our costumers.

Externally and internally, Pescapuerta develops and transmitis its Food Safety and Qualicy Policy with the following principles:

  • The Business and economic growth is designed to respect the safety and quality of the products offered, thus guaranteeing customer satisfaction and complete protection.
  • The Busines development also respects environmental sustainability, by the sustainable use of resources, the protection of biodiversity and the migitation of climate change and prevention of pollution.
  • The Group emphasises on Corporate Social Responsibility, maintaining strict ethical principles with those whose labour activity is directly or indirectly linked to our group.
  • Pescapuerta operates in accordance with the principles of legality and transparency at all times.

Senior Management, therefore:

  • Ensures the availability of the human and economic resources necessary to guarantee the food safety and quality of the product.
  • Promotes the culture of quality and food safety within the company.
  • Promotes ongoing improvement with relation to food safety and quality. To achieve his, the targets included in the internal policy are constantly reviewed, to verify that they are fully complied with.
  • Motivates, guides and involves the staff for the recognition of quality at the very core of the company, conveying this policy to all its employees and apprising them of all related goals.

Firma Director General

Vigo, 26th October, 2022
D. Javier Calles Prieto
Managing Director