Winners of the Fishing Sector Award at the Fine Awards

The 8th edition of the FINE Awards was held on May 22 in Vigo, coinciding with the Navalia international fair.

Winners of the Fishing Sector Award at the Fine Awards

The maritime sector awards par excellence were held at the Pazo de Los Escudos. It brought together 400 managers from the maritime sector with the firm purpose of highlighting the work, development and innovation potential of the industry as a whole. The Fine Awards represent a clear commitment to the promotion of the maritime sector, as well as support for the agents and business values that make it up and characterize it.

Pescapuerta has had the pleasure of receiving the Fishing Sector Award. Mr. Ángel Armesto, Director of the Group, had the honor of collecting it and it was presented to him by Mr. Iñaki Arbulu, CEO of the Arbulu Group.

Other award winners were the vessel CAP DE BARBARIA as outstanding vessel. Astilleros Ría de Vigo, as outstanding shipyard and Naviera Murueta as outstanding shipowner. On the other hand, the outstanding maritime energy project was COTENAVAL. The outstanding professional was Mr. Publio Beltrán, who went on stage to collect the award presented by Mr. Patricio Fernández, general manager of Industrias Ferri. Finally, SOERMAR was awarded as an outstanding institution.

Mention should be made of the special awards to Fred Olsen for its 50th anniversary and to Abance for its 30th anniversary. The latter company is making its debut as Fine's sponsor in this edition.

The evening ended with the Honor`s Awards, highlighting his contribution and good work to the Spanish maritime sector, to Mr. José Luis Caraballo.

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