Our DNA is made up of innovation and cutting-edge technologies

Jorge Vello, our Operations and Management Control Director at Pescapuerta, was at the XI Alimarket FMCG Logistics Meeting

Our DNA is made up of innovation and cutting-edge technologies

Jorge Vello, our Operations and Management Control Director at Pescapuerta, was at the XI Alimarket FMCG Logistics Meeting. There he explained the great challenge we face because we have a highly intensive operation. We have 700 or 800 orders per day that we receive in our three logistics centers that serve the 16 delegations.

The complexity of the extractive phase and strengthening the transport to Vigo are two real challenges. Currently, this first logistical phase of supplying the production plants and warehouses is carried out in two ways: our own ships, which return to land every 3 to 6 months, or by container ships, a way that is tending to decline, but is still necessary in origins such as the Maldives. Today, there are 15 ships, 13 of which are freezer ships and 2 fresh ships.

Secondly, the great challenge of standardization in order formation and error prevention. To address this, we are working on different pilots with cutting-edge technologies, such as applying artificial intelligence and artificial vision to control this type of operations. In this area, we collaborate closely with entities such as Fishing Tech, or the CDTI, with whom we carried out a program to automate the measurement of squid.

We have placed 69,442 tons of final product on the market. For the first time in our history, we have surpassed the 305 M consolidated turnover barrier, which represents a growth of almost 6%, 49% of which materialized in foreign markets, being present in more than 50 countries.

Our strategy is clear: financial solvency, organic growth, no large corporate operations, sustainability, strong extractive capacity, internationalization and the horeca channel.